Thursday, February 19, 2009

Possible Opportunity

So, I found out that Stephen F. Austin State University, where I attend, is pending approval of a new academic journal for creative writers that will be printed annually and will accept poetry, both fiction and non-fiction, and critical essays. I am very excited about submitting and the possibility of some of my work getting published. I have some pieces in mind and am currently waiting anxiously for the submission period to open. This could be a great opportunity for me to break the ice. Cross your fingers.

I will post again later in the week with some more creative writing; school and work have kept me pretty busy, but stay tuned.


  1. I'm just wondering how you found my blog

  2. Best of luck T.J! I'm sure your work has enough weight to get noticed!

    Clay Darrow

  3. Nice blog, keep on writing, it is an art, inspiration, dedication and above all, catharsis.
    Best wishes,

  4. I have my fingers crossed for you. BTW, email me with where I should send your keychain. Thanks.
    (can't find your email address here).

  5. Patty- I found your blog by clicking [Next Blog] in the blogger navigation bar. I added you because your posts are interesting and I like your husband's artwork.

    Clay- Thanks for the confidence, hopefully in a couple months I will be confirming that with my first journal publication. :)(Knock on Wood)

  6. :) I will keep my fingers crossed for you. As for my four blogs...yes, I did get carried away. LOL - that deleted one that wouldn't delete was driving me nuts.
    I drive myself nuts.

  7. Oh, I forgot to add that the wolf is actually a husky. We think he is malamute, but his fur is sleek, like a shepherd's. The bear is actually a springer/beagle mix.
