Saturday, January 3, 2009


So last night, my wife Logan said she wished she could do something, to which I responded "I wish you had long hair again." She then followed "Well I wish YOU had long hair again." So I said, "I wish you had a beard; what you got to say about that?" She didn't say anything; she simply got up and walked in our bedroom. I wondered what she was doing and asked but she didn't respond. A moment later she came back in with one of her hair extensions strapped around her face, hanging down from her nose to her chest. We laughed for about 10 minutes, she looked like she could be the wife of cousin "it." It's moments like that, that make me appreciate her so much. She is my muse.

Anyway, I did some final editing on one of my short-stories. I wrote it about a year and a half ago and I am satisfied with it enough to post it, though I am not sure it is complete. I am posting it imminently.

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